Technical specifications and standards of wooden structures

It is true that most of the constructed buildings are made of concrete or steel, and the Housing and Urban Development Department has established bylaws and regulations for this type of construction, so that the builders act accordingly, but wooden structures also have their fans, and today this type of structure is increasing. . In America, the use of wood for various structures has been popular since the past, that’s why they have specific regulations and standards in this field. However, the standard wooden structure requires some things that we will discuss in this article. Stay with us.

Code of wooden structures

You must be familiar with regulations in various fields. The things that are regulated in a regulation cannot be considered part of the law, but they cannot be denied either. This means that you must comply with the relevant regulations in order to obtain a license and a work completion document. This issue is important because it prevents damages that may be caused to the building in the future and have a financial or life risk. By observing these things, you can have a safe structure so that you don’t have to worry in emergency situations like an earthquake. As we said in the past, the United States has specific standards for wooden structures. One of these standards, which is also used in Iran, is the IBC standard, which is used globally. Another international standard that is also known in Iran is the German DIN standard. However, following the increase in the construction of wooden structures in Iran, the officials of the Housing and Urban Development Department have made a comprehensive regulation so that the builders can use it better. This regulation was published in 1999 and is followed in construction today. Zarin Villa company also tries to provide the best quality for its customers by complying with all these standards and regulations and deliver safe and standard wooden structures to them.

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Important standards in the construction of wooden buildings

Wood standard:

Wooden structures, like any other structure, require high-quality and appropriate materials because the strength and resistance of a structure depends on the type of materials used and their quality. In wooden structures, it is natural to use wood for all components. But the standard of these used woods should be good. Before starting the construction and any action, the engineers of Zarin Villa company examine and test the timber intended for the implementation of the structure to make sure of their degree of saturation and drying and their flawlessness. If the wood is of good quality, the quality of the whole structure will be good and the customer will be satisfied with Zarin Villa. Customer satisfaction is the most important principle for us.

Wooden structure standards

Standard skeleton:

Generally, all structures have three main components that play an important role in the strength of the structure. Horizontal components, vertical components and diagonal components. Generally speaking, the horizontal components are called beams, and the vertical components are called columns. Columns are responsible for maintaining the balance of the structure and its stability. And horizontal components are responsible for maintaining pressure resistance. Diagonal components that are usually used between these two components have the role of transferring the force to the support. This is how the skeleton of the building is formed and provides the strength and stability of the structure. The most important issue in the resistance of the structure is to maintain stability and balance, and usually the pressure exerted on the columns is gravity. Zarin Sazeh company has always tried to provide a strong and stable structure for its customers by following these points and using the best engineers.

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Standard connections:

The method of connecting the components to each other is very important in the construction of the structure’s skeleton. Because by making the right connections, the pressure of the structure will be distributed properly. The structure will not be damaged. Joint parts may be steel or wooden, but usually wooden joints have better strength and are more resistant to pressure.

Component integrity:

The most important principle in strengthening any type of structure is the integrity of its components. In the sense that in each part of it, materials are used that are not connected to each other and are an independent piece. This also applies to wood, and columns or beams or other important components must be integrated and not connected to each other. In this case, even with a lot of pressure, they will not be damaged because the wood maintains its resistance against any pressure. Zarin Villa Company is proud to use this item in its structures and uses first-class and perfect materials in all components of the structure.

Wooden house standards


For the construction of wooden structures, in addition to its external characteristics, its skeletal and internal characteristics are of particular importance. Because if the structure is not strong, irreparable damage may occur. The Zarin Villa company tries to satisfy its customers by complying with all regulations and international standards and makes every effort to build a flawless structure. In this article, we reviewed some of the standards required for the construction of wooden buildings, and all these items and standards were stated according to international construction guidelines. Important factors are effective in the resistance of wooden structures, of which we have mentioned the most important ones. All over the world, wooden structures are used a lot, and for this reason, there are important regulations for the construction of wooden structures, some of which have strict policies. Since damage to any structure brings risks, it has always been suggested to implement the necessary standards so that the amount of these risks can be reduced and people can enjoy their wooden structure and use it in pleasant nature.

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